As of 2018, the foreign population residing in Tuscany is mostly comprised of females (216,773 or 53% of the population) and among the 173 nationalities present, those most represented are by far the Romanian (20.72%) and the Albanian (15.29%), followed by the Chinese (12.78%) and the Moroccan (6.47%).

For years the Tuscany Region has been characterized by the presence of a migrant population in its territory, which represents 10.5% of its population. In fact, this posed some questions and challenges about their health needs, to be addressed according to an integral care approach that aims to manage the multiple critical issues that still emerge and that vary according to the legal and social profile of the migrant individual. As regards to foreigners with regular residence, health needs are linked, from an epidemiological perspective, to acquired lifestyles and, from an organisational perspective, to the lack of information on the offer of services and health resources, in relation to the rights they hold and the rules that protect them.
Reffering to applicants for international protection and refugees (which represent 7% of the total present on Italian territory), the epidemiological criticalities seem to be related more to the psycho-physical consequences of the migration and of the traumas suffered. From an organisational perspective, in the last few years of RTPI (asylum seekers) flows, various critical issues have emerged: the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the reception facilities, the preparation of the medical screening upon arrival and the effective and efficient long-term access to the existing services.
The Global Health Center has a coordinating role on the issue of migrants health with the objective of sharing information, planning and actions within the SSR. The CSG mandate focuses on three types of closely related activities: coordination, training, communication and information.
COORDINATION at local, regional, national, international level to create a network of actors who operate in an organic and organized way and share initiatives and projects.
TRAINING addressed to all providers which operate in the healthcare and social services, in the private social sector and those which interface with migrants to guarantee fair access and appropriateness in the social health offer.
COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION addressed to migrants and citizens in order to provide and spread adequate information about the rights and methods of access to regional social and health services.